Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Positive results of being a Christian

So if we believe in Christ, why do we need to know the Bible?

Well, the good news is Bible-based Christianity improves wellbeing. Consequently, if we are wise we should be ravenously studying scripture to learn what it contains.

The data supporting that the Bible augments wellbeing come from scientific research and include the following:

·       Teleios Research – We have found through prospective surveys and studies that Christianity helps wellbeing both generally and from additional specific measures. We will discuss these findings in greater detail throughout these blogs.

·       PublicationsPeer-reviewed scientific studies support improved wellbeing with Christianity! Many studies in the medical literature indicate wellbeing is improved by the practice of religion. Importantly, almost all these medical studies were performed in historically Christian countries. This suggests that most all the subjects in the studies would have identified as either social or believing Christians. Many of these studies can be seen in Teleios’ published reviews and are available on our website (publications). Otherwise, they can be searched on Pubmed.

Let’s examine the impressive findings of Teleios and other medical literature which have shown that wellbeing is improved in Christians or religious people in Christian countries: 

·       Demographics – All age groups (10 years and older), both genders, and African-American as well as Caucasian races.

·       Broad wellbeing effect – Specific wellbeing-related measures such as: sense of purpose, satisfaction, hope, stronger social relationships, and ability to forgive.

·       Social measures – Vital areas of life such as the family, career, a sense of community and socialization.

·       Family life – Christianity is associated with good health and higher levels of education and less substance abuse in the children. Family religiosity predicts better functioning for parents, a better social network, and ties with families of friends. Further, church promotes happy marital relationships by encouraging spouses, especially the men, to live decent lives and to treat their partners decently.

·       Careers – Christianity helps people’s ability to make career decisions and assists them in being open to a variety of career options. They also have been shown to have more positive feelings toward work.

·       Service – Those who serve in or outside the church have better wellbeing questions including contentment, peace, joy, purpose and community acceptance.

·       Practice of the faith – Those who practice the faith especially engaging in prayer, praise, fellowship, church attendance, studying the Bible and outreach to others have better wellbeing than those who do not. Further, the more one practices their faith the better generally will be their wellbeing.

·       Physical health, healthy and patient populations – Christianity assists wellbeing in specific diseases including: glaucoma, rheumatoid arthritis, various cancers, chronic pain, fatigue, diabetes, diabetic eye disease, congestive heart failure, and HIV.

Summary: Wow! What a great God we have who provides us such true and useful guidance for life which has an obvious impact on our happiness. Our view of scripture should not be to avoid it out of fear from what we might read, to limit it to 15 minutes a-day to complete some pre-set time requirement, or simply to read it to get through another session in the Bible reading plan, but to devour it like a bowl of ice cream! It’s incredibly useful for our lives.

Thanks for joining me today and return again for the next blog.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Young Christians beliefs concerning salvation

Our research has recently found that those who believe they are saved by God’s grace alone to salvation have better wellbeing then those who do not. Unfortunately, many misconceptions remain among young Christians regarding what happens at salvation. Understanding these biblical events is important to help build a believer’s confidence in their faith and avoid the pitfalls of false guilt as well as insecurity in their relationship with God.

Accordingly, we recently surveyed Christian adolescents and millennials to determine their beliefs on what the Bible describes at the time of salvation, defined as belief by faith alone in forgiveness of sins by Christ's death and resurrection. Of the 201 participants the majority were: female (55%), <35 years old (67%), from the United States (53%), and evangelical (80%).

The survey found, concerning salvation and:
·      The church - Subjects noted they became aware they needed a local fellowship of other Christians (37%), and the Holy Spirit placed them permanently into the church universal of all believers (34%). In addition, 28% said they became cognizant they should be water baptized to express publicly their commitment to Christ. Separately, 65% of participants indicated they were adopted permanently into the family of God at salvation.

·      Righteousness (sinlessness) - Participants expressed they were forgiven through faith by Christ's death on the cross (54%). Nonetheless, participants also said they needed to ask forgiveness every day for new sin (52%). However, 34% indicated they have an advocate in Jesus Christ so no one can lay a claim against them.

·      The Holy Spirit - Participants most commonly indicated He indwelt them permanently as a seal of their salvation (54%). Further, He regenerated them to a new person identified with Christ (57%) giving them power to defeat sin (34%).

·      Regeneration – In total, 30% of participants believed they were baptized (regenerated) by the Holy Spirit at salvation. Further, 50% noted regeneration gave them power through the Holy Spirit to live a holy life. In addition, 35% recognized the regeneration created them as a new person identified with Christ.
This survey suggests that within a population of mostly adolescent and millennial evangelical Christians, they frequently recognize sound doctrine concerning events accompanying salvation, including the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit as a seal to salvation, forgiveness of past and future sins by faith in Christ’s death on the cross, adoption into the family of God, placement within the universal church, and regeneration to a new person who can defeat sin.

However, the percentages of subjects providing correct answers were generally between 1/3 to 2/3 of the survey sample. This demonstrates a strong need for biblical teaching by church and youth leaders concerning events accompanying salvation to help provide power for Christian living and security in salvation.
Further, each of us as true believers in the grace of God to salvation should encourage each other in our eternal security as well as the accompanying benefits of salvation described above.
We have a great God who is given us graciously a wonderful salvation. Discovering the full knowledge about salvation through scripture is vital to understand the great confident relationship we have with God which then enhances our wellbeing and helps us live our daily life. Scripture is true and is worth our time to investigate it!

Join me next time for more exciting explorations into the truth of scripture!

Complete results of this survey can be found here (

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