Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Christianity and Society: Part 2


Welcome back to my blog. Last time we began exploring the benefits of Christianity to society. We discussed the extensive list of how Christianity helps societies both now and in past centuries. Christianity is not only good for society, but it is also better than anything the world has to offer. This week let's explore the negative drawbacks of secular society.


What do those opposed to Christian society offer?


Secular society offers a godless, globalist government to replace the living God and Christ. Secular society desires to create a world with the following characteristics:


  • Promotes people and institutions that destroy Christianity in the culture through the media, the educational establishment, Hollywood, select political parties, the American Civil Liberties Union, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Planned Parenthood. Destroying Christianity clears society of burdensome obstructions for its own rule.


    • Consequently, Christians must be alert as it may become against the law to speak about Christianity or against government principles as in many countries of the world today. Even in Europe or Canada, a person can be jailed for criticizing the government’s selected favorite groups.


  • To cause the government to become the replacement god.


    • Even as unbelievers scoff at weak Christians for needing to depend on God, they themselves, in great faith, seek a powerful global government to be their god in the hopes of having their desires met.


  • To develop a secularist, socialist, statist government that operates in a dark world of suppression, preventing people from meeting their dreams and goals, finding love, raising their children as they deem appropriate, as well as expressing their thoughts and ideas.


    • Each person, instead of being embraced by their family, their community or church is tethered directly to the state for employment, a place to live, family and education.


    • Extreme examples at the end of the statist totalitarian process are North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela, where the people are reduced to entities of no financial or intrinsic worth and have nothing.


    • A more realistic, near-term example is modern Europe, which is a model for the globalist and statist state in the US. In much of Europe, the government:


      • Actively suppresses individual thought, including Christianity and freedom of speech.


      • Control education so that our young people will be raised to believe and statist in socialist values.


      • Actively minimizes individual achievement through high taxes so individualism, savings, entrepreneurship and professional advancement are difficult. Job creation comes through the government or large government supported industry.


      • Consequently, people seek to blend in, not to attract attention in their jobs or by their opinions and often avoid marrying and having children. They accept what the government offers and says, even in the face of grave dangers to society, such as rampant Islamization, crime, and illegal migration.


Don’t fall for the statist religion! Now is the time to stand and express the things we have and how good they are. How can we do this simply?


Realize that you are right and should not be shy about your faith. God’s victory is at the end of the world, and the ultimate war has been won! But until that final victory, we face battles that can be lost. Historically, there are places where Christianity all but disappeared in name or practice due to despotic regimes. Don’t let that happen where you live! Stand up and pray in faith for what is right and good for your future and your children. 


For more on this important topic, please visit our site devoted to the benefits of Christianity under the section “Society Benefits’ at Bible Benefits.


Thanks again for joining me today I will look for you next time.



William C. Stewart, MD



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