Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Christianity and Society: Part 3


Welcome back. The last few blogs have explored the benefits of Christianity to society. We discussed how Christianity helps societies both now and in past centuries. Christianity is not only good for society, but it is also better than secular society. We will now consider our response and how we think and act, knowing that what God gave us is true and good for our society.


Our response to society!


Now more than ever, Christians need to help protect our freedoms. We are at a critical time in our country, and we should not remain silent.


How, then, should we think?


·     Realize that we are right! – The Christian message is correct for our country, culture, and individual well-being. Despite what is said by the statists (may be one who places their hope and dependence in a strong central government), globalists (may be one who places their hope in a one world government) large news organizations, Hollywood, and big tech, who constantly manifest their bigotry towards people in the heartland as racist, ignorant and angry, what we offer is just and true and just. Critics provide nothing that is anywhere as close to the healthy mindset and lifestyle that Christians possess.


·     Realize that now is the time to act! – We can no longer depend only on elections (although they are most important) to reverse the trend towards a statist and globalist government as we have in past generations (please see below). We need to make a difference now for the upcoming generation.


·     Realize they hate God and us! – Globalists and statists hate us because they detest God (John 15:18-19). Further, our battle is not just against man, but primarily the forces of darkness, ruled by Satan (Ephesians 6:10-12). As much as many Christians would like just to ‘all get along’ this will not happen as these people will not relent in their hatred for God or us.


So what to do?


·     Learn the Bible! I do not mean watching a video or reading a book about the Bible, but studying intensely the word itself with appropriate resources that help you learn it correctly. Teleios research has shown that Christians are timid in part because we do not know God’s Word and have not truly depended on it in our lives or realized its benefits in daily living. Learn the facts about the benefit of our faith, from our website or other locations. Learn to express the gospel! It is written at the bottom of this blog.


·     Learn history– As Winston Churchill famously said that ‘those who do not know history are bound to repeat it’. Not only is history fascinating, and reads better than a novel, it teaches us the amazing benefit that Christianity has been to society in providing for the rights of men and freedom. It helps convince us that what so many people strove to create, and for which have died, is valuable to protect as well as to use to spread the gospel and the benefits of the Bible.


·     Engage in current events – Our hope is in God, but we should be aware of what is happening in our culture. This awareness is the first step to being able to answer questions from others as it helps us begin to interact and ponder issues others might address to us. Such knowledge also helps us know when and where to act to help solve societal issues. 


·     Speak God’s word to one another! Talk Bible to each other. This is vital you encourage other Christians, but you also learn to articulate God’s word. As Teleios research has shown people are afraid that they can’t answer other people’s questions, so we remain silent. We should discuss the Bible with each other as well as teach and instruct others (1 Timothy 4:6). As the proverb states (Proverbs 27:17). As iron sharpens iron; so, a man sharpens his friend (KJV, my paraphrase). Speaking and teaching God’s Word will change hearts. It’s only by changing the hearts of people that they will change their vote and overwhelmingly elect people who love Christ and freedom of expression and hate statism.


·     Pray – We have a great God who answers prayer and is concerned about us and our society (Romans 13:1-71 Timothy 2:1-2).


·     Teach – Be persistent and careful to pass down to your children and other young people our Christian heritage, history and the benefits of a Christian society. Teach others and your children the Bible.


·     Take action politically – Christians are all busy taking care of work and family responsibilities. Those who demonstrate for globalism and statism often do not have jobs, so they are happy to be paid to demonstrate and make the news. However, we cannot retreat! We need to take the time to write the president and our elected officials, encourage others and even demonstrate in a legal manner when we have the opportunity. Furtherwe need Christians in elected office and in government bureaucracies, both in Washington and in the states. Also, we need Christians in politically directed organizations and in educational institutions.


What we have is right and true. Now is the time to protect and spread it.  


For more on this important topic, please visit our site devoted to the benefits of Christianity under the section “Society Benefits’ at Bible Benefits.


Thanks again for joining me today I will look for you next time.


William C. Stewart, MD


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Disclaimer – This blog and its content are provided only as information and are intended for visitors 18 and older. No content on the website should be taken as advice or recommendation to any personal or institutional situation. The views expressed are those of the author alone and not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Teleios. Both the blog and the contents are subject to change at any time without notice. Although I endeavor to ensure that the blog and the content are current and accurate, it may contain errors. I do not represent that the blog or the content is current, accurate or complete, or appropriate for your specific requirements. I do not accept any liability from any person for the blog, the content or any other information (or the use of such information) I provide. I do not have a seminary degree, but I have trained myself in the scriptures to teach and provide this information. For any specific question, I suggest you contact experts in that field and or do your own research into the scriptures.



Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Christianity and Society: Part 2


Welcome back to my blog. Last time we began exploring the benefits of Christianity to society. We discussed the extensive list of how Christianity helps societies both now and in past centuries. Christianity is not only good for society, but it is also better than anything the world has to offer. This week let's explore the negative drawbacks of secular society.


What do those opposed to Christian society offer?


Secular society offers a godless, globalist government to replace the living God and Christ. Secular society desires to create a world with the following characteristics:


  • Promotes people and institutions that destroy Christianity in the culture through the media, the educational establishment, Hollywood, select political parties, the American Civil Liberties Union, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Planned Parenthood. Destroying Christianity clears society of burdensome obstructions for its own rule.


    • Consequently, Christians must be alert as it may become against the law to speak about Christianity or against government principles as in many countries of the world today. Even in Europe or Canada, a person can be jailed for criticizing the government’s selected favorite groups.


  • To cause the government to become the replacement god.


    • Even as unbelievers scoff at weak Christians for needing to depend on God, they themselves, in great faith, seek a powerful global government to be their god in the hopes of having their desires met.


  • To develop a secularist, socialist, statist government that operates in a dark world of suppression, preventing people from meeting their dreams and goals, finding love, raising their children as they deem appropriate, as well as expressing their thoughts and ideas.


    • Each person, instead of being embraced by their family, their community or church is tethered directly to the state for employment, a place to live, family and education.


    • Extreme examples at the end of the statist totalitarian process are North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela, where the people are reduced to entities of no financial or intrinsic worth and have nothing.


    • A more realistic, near-term example is modern Europe, which is a model for the globalist and statist state in the US. In much of Europe, the government:


      • Actively suppresses individual thought, including Christianity and freedom of speech.


      • Control education so that our young people will be raised to believe and statist in socialist values.


      • Actively minimizes individual achievement through high taxes so individualism, savings, entrepreneurship and professional advancement are difficult. Job creation comes through the government or large government supported industry.


      • Consequently, people seek to blend in, not to attract attention in their jobs or by their opinions and often avoid marrying and having children. They accept what the government offers and says, even in the face of grave dangers to society, such as rampant Islamization, crime, and illegal migration.


Don’t fall for the statist religion! Now is the time to stand and express the things we have and how good they are. How can we do this simply?


Realize that you are right and should not be shy about your faith. God’s victory is at the end of the world, and the ultimate war has been won! But until that final victory, we face battles that can be lost. Historically, there are places where Christianity all but disappeared in name or practice due to despotic regimes. Don’t let that happen where you live! Stand up and pray in faith for what is right and good for your future and your children. 


For more on this important topic, please visit our site devoted to the benefits of Christianity under the section “Society Benefits’ at Bible Benefits.


Thanks again for joining me today I will look for you next time.



William C. Stewart, MD



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Disclaimer – This blog and its content are provided only as information and are intended for visitors 18 and older. No content on the website should be taken as advice or recommendation to any personal or institutional situation. The views expressed are those of the author alone and not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Teleios. Both the blog and the contents are subject to change at any time without notice. Although I endeavor to ensure that the blog and the content are current and accurate, it may contain errors. I do not represent that the blog or the content is current, accurate or complete, or appropriate for your specific requirements. I do not accept any liability from any person for the blog, the content or any other information (or the use of such information) I provide. I do not have a seminary degree, but I have trained myself in the scriptures to teach and provide this information. For any specific question, I suggest you contact experts in that field and or do your own research into the scriptures.



Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Christianity and Society: Part 1


Benefit to the individuals composing the population


Welcome back to my blog. I do appreciate you visiting. In recent blogs we have been exploring the exciting topic of how biblical truth enhances personal wellbeing. However, Christianity offers advantages not only to the individual, but to society as a whole. This has been an understudied and unappreciated benefit of Christianity to the world especially where it has been implemented in what became first world countries.


Academics who hate Christ want to dismiss Christianity frequently based on humanism, the inquisition, and the crusades. However, the overwhelming evidence is that there exists a general benefit to society of Christianity based: on economics, relief for the poor, education, medical care and freedoms. Christianity has had a profound impact on society throughout history, offering numerous benefits. Let’s explore Christianity’s benefit to whole populations and associated Teleios research.


Christianity and society


Bible based Christianity and society 


We emphasize the term ‘biblical Christianity,’ as opposed to the organized hierarchical church, because the two have different goals and are based on a different set of beliefs. Biblically based Christianity promotes an organized society, based in the individual that encourages Christians to:

Biblical Christianity’s effect on society 


These biblical exhortations to individual Christians work then to profit society on two broad levels: first, at the governmental level; and second, in the local and national societal levels.

  • Local communities and governments – These institutions typically benefit from biblical Christianity working at the individual and church levels because they promote a community and organizations that help each other, assist the poor, benefit the general wellbeing of the community, and support the local government.
  • Federal government – The national government benefits from a society based in biblical Christianity because the Bible promotes honest, hardworking individuals who minimize the need for government action to maintain order. Christianity helps build a population of individuals with strong character to serve in the bureaucracy, work hard to progress the economy, be responsible for family and friends, serve in the armed forces and bureaucracy and promote order in society.


The importance of the historical hierarchal church 


This form of the church generally is grounded in certain man-made institutions that often distort or add to the Bible. Nonetheless, the hierarchical church has performed many important functions historically, especially in the Middle Ages when the governments themselves were often weak:

  • The maintenance of important historical documents for future generations
  • Provision of an organized government and society
  • The promotion of education, elderly care, and healthcare
  • Secure living arrangements and employment for both men and women
  • Organization of community defense arrangements
  • Providing for societal order that allowed for families providing for themselves in honest labor and ultimately the expansion of commerce

However, the hierarchical church’s departure from biblical Christianity from the late Middle Ages onward, helped cause, in combination with increasingly despotic humanistic kings, several unhealthy societal trends such as war, oppression, corruption and totalitarianism based in political opportunism, wealth and power. Its forceful influence was from a non-biblical top-down perspective.


OK, let's stop there for today. Christianity has provided numerous benefits to society over the centuries. These contributions have helped shape societies in various positive ways. 

Next time let's explore what our response should be as Christians of these benefits that our religion provides to society. That is the key question as Christians often are reticent to speak up and defend their religion versus a government and educational institutions that dislike and mock us. Ultimately, we will explore some of the research that Teleios has performed showing the benefits of Christianity in society. The results are striking! 


For more on this important topic, please visit our site devoted to the benefits of Christianity under the section “Society Benefits’ at Bible Benefits.


Thanks again for joining me today I will look for you next time. 


William C. Stewart, MD


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Disclaimer - This blog and its content are provided only as information and are intended for visitors 18 and older. No content on the website should be taken as advice or recommendation to any personal or institutional situation. The views expressed are those of the author alone and not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Teleios. Both the blog and the contents are subject to change at any time without notice. Although I endeavor to ensure that the blog and the content are current and accurate, it may contain errors. I do not represent that the blog or the content is current, accurate or complete, or appropriate for your specific requirements. I do not accept any liability from any person for the blog, the content or any other information (or the use of such information) I provide. I do not have a seminary degree, but I have trained myself in the scriptures to teach and provide this information. For any specific question, I suggest you contact experts in that field and or do your own research into the scriptures.