Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biblical Speech: Part 1


Welcome back to my blog. Today we discuss the vitally important topic of biblically based speech.


The way we communicate with each other is indeed a vital part of living a godly life. The Bible emphasizes the importance of our words and how they reflect our hearts. For instance, Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This highlights the power of kind and gentle speech. The Bible encourages us to use our words to uplift and support one another.


Controlling our speech is quite difficult and is rarely considered. As we incorporate biblical principles in our lives, we will find it much easier to speak in a fashion that loves people and pleases God. However, biblical speech patterns do not come naturally. How do we do it? Here are some hints:


  • Consider first, speech is not about you – Have you ever noticed that most people generally talk incessantly about themselves, even at church? Unless we really need someone else to bear our burdens (Galatians 6:2), however, speech should not be about us but about the other person (Ephesians 4:29). Biblical speech should address other people’s needs. This is a huge transformation in thinking for many of us but it’s an important first step to converse with others as God would desire.


·       Realize you have much to give – Remember, the Bible is true and good for anyone who hears it (please see the Teleios website for scientific proof). Therefore, when you are speaking scripture and its truth, commending, being thankful, and praising God, you are using your speech as a powerful tool to help others (Colossians 1:3-8; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10).

  • Think before you speak – Prior to meeting somebody, consider specific ways you can express gratitude, commendation and encouragement. Planning ahead may not seem natural to some. However, if we don’t consider encouragement ahead of time then generally it will not happen. Be specific in your commendation and thankfulness; the more precise the better.

Spiritually, plan ways to encourage a friend or colleague in Christ, whether by discussing an applicable Bible verse, teaching other people (formally or informally), sharing answered prayed or even imparting the gospel if needed.

We are all busy, but if we don’t consider positive biblical speech ahead of time, we generally will not do it. Think about it! 


    • Several other key points:


      • Remember the good things that God has done in the other person’s life. It is much easier to speak positively to somebody if you’re thinking favorable things about them.


      • Pray for the people with whom you converse. It is much harder to be mad at somebody, or think negatively about them, when you’re praying for them and God’s will in their lives.


  • Build a solid relationship – This is vital as people need to know that you genuinely like and respect them. There are many books on the subject and perhaps the best starter is the classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. You can buy a cheap used copy (or download a copy) at Amazon. It is frightfully easy to read and apply. Do it!


  • Ask questions – If you do not know how to encourage someone, then ask them questions or search their on-line presence!

People love attention. The more questions you ask, and the deeper the follow-up questions, presented in an interested and genuine way, the more you will learn about your colleague, spouse, boss, friend or new acquaintance. They will think you are wonderful, and the extra knowledge will help you better pray for them as well as help and encourage them.


    • Important note: You do not have to respond to the above questions, it is better that you mostly just listen initially and gather information, again showing you respect for their opinions.


  • Build a solid spiritual relationship – This can be done by simply asking them about benign religious topics, progressing through such questions as:


    • General questions about their life, family, and work. Follow up with more specific questions based on what they initially tell you. Show interest! Listen!


    • General questions about their religious background, such as “Were you raised in the church and what denomination? Did you like the church? Was it a good social environment?”


    • Go deeper; ask “what do you think about religious-based political issues such as Christian persecution? Does religion or the church help our culture?”


    • Ask their opinion about a challenging Bible verse, or a difficult doctrine like baptism or predestination.


    • Ask questions to help them, based on everything that you have heard them say. Perhaps inquire about their security of salvation, then you could ask them about in the applicable verse such as in Ephesians 1:13-14 or 1 Peter 1:4-5. If for example they mention they struggle in their marriage, you could direct them to Ephesians 5:20-32.


  • Final step, biblical speech – Use the information that you have gathered about a person to consider how to help them by your speech.


    • How can you express specific commendation or thankfulness for them in their character or actions?


    • How can you encourage them in scripture?


    • How can you push them on to greater Christian growth or actions?


In summary, biblical speech is key to a functioning, effective loving body of Christ. That is not to say that we should talk all the time about godly things, encouraging others and expressing gratitude. However, we should endeavor to keep the environment in which we meet people controllable and generate enough profitable speech that the overall atmosphere is productive and biblically based, even if you’re discussing football and recipes at the same time.


The Bible offers a wealth of guidance on how we should use our words. These principles can help guide us to communicate in ways that reflect love, respect, and integrity. 


Thank you again for joining me today. Come next time as we finish up this topic on biblical speech, what not to say, and learn how millennials assess their own speech and what the Bible says about what we should say to others. 




William C. Stewart, MD


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