The Holy Spirit is vital to the Christian life. Last time we began discussing the role of the Spirit in believers’ lives by examining His important role in our salvation.
In this blog, and the one to follow, let’s focus on the role of the Spirit in our Christian life after salvation. Remember, as always, we need to base our understanding on the Bible, not our feelings and experiences. The truth is in scripture. Read full content at Holy Spirit – Power Source for the Christian Life!.
The Holy Spirit’s pivotal and active role in believers’ lives is roughly divided into two basic types, constant and variable actions. Let’s explore here the constant roles of the Spirit. These describe how He helps to us, regardless of our own activity or attitude, good or bad.
o Points to Christ – The Spirit glorifies Christ, and gives and teaches information our Savior has given to Him (John 16:13-14; 1 John 2:20,27). Remember, it is by Christ, that God speaks to Christians in the time of the church (Hebrews 1:1-2). This message was given through the Spirit and recorded in the scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16).
o Indwells – As mentioned in the prior blog, the Spirit lives in believers always until the day of redemption (Romans 8:9; Ephesians 1:13-14). Therefore, believers have full access to His power and help.
o Prays for believers (Romans 8:26) – This great truth indicates the Holy Spirit prays on behalf of believers to God. What better source of prayer could one have?
These constant provisions by the Spirit are important to remember. Some people might tell us that we receive the God’s Spirit, or have a heightened power of the Spirit, after our salvation by receiving a “second filling.” Further some may teach that as Christians we could lose the Holy Spirit.
There is no solid scriptural basis for this belief for Christians. The Bible is clear we have the Spirit at salvation until we are with God forever. Nothing can diminish or remove His presence from our life (Romans 8:9; 2 Corinthians 1:22; 2 Corinthians 5:5; Ephesians 1:13-14).
We have a great God with wonderful promises and abundant provisions to help us live our lives in a fruitful manner, not only in service to Him but providing joy and peace in our own lives.
Join us next time as we discuss variable roles of the Spirit that do depend on our obedience.
William C. Stewart, MD
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