Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Beliefs about salvation - the good, the bad and the ugly

Beliefs about salvation - the good, the bad and the ugly

Welcome back to my blog. Thank you for visiting today. We continue our exciting series exploring relevant research findings from Teleios!

Teleios conducted a survey with 244 participants: 93% were adolescents (< 18) and millennials (18-34), 60% evangelicals and 60% female. We asked them what they must believe to be a Christian. Wow, we received some amazing answers! (full report here Belief survey: Understanding the gospel)

The good 

Fortunately, almost all participants agreed that salvation was by faith through grace based on Christ's substitutionary sacrifice for our sins on the cross (87%). Furthermore, most (60%) believed their salvation was secure after their belief through faith; all very scriptural, YAY! (Romans 10:9-11; Ephesians 2:4-10; Romans 3:23-26; 1 Peter 1:4-5; John 10:28-30).

The bad 

However, high percentages of our participants also added in some extra biblical requirements for being saved, which are not mentioned in biblical salvation texts. The non-biblical additions to salvation were (percent agreeing with statement):

Believe in the trinity (i.e., Father, Son and Holy Spirit) - 87%

Believe heaven and hell are real places - 78%

Believe the devil is real - 65%

Believe in creation - 64%

Believe every word of the Bible - 58%

Although our participants are admirable in their zeal, when sharing the gospel, we should be careful not to add burdens that God does not Himself mention. For salvation a person simply needs to believe in the sacrifice of Christ for their sins and His resurrection by faith. 

Then upon belief, a person is regenerated by the Spirit to become a new person in Christ. They will then grow in orthodoxy, accepting the issues listed in the Table, by the help of the Spirit as they study and grow in biblical knowledge.

The ugly

Further, the participants also frequently added in some extra-biblical requirements for salvation, including being anti-abortion and water baptized (40% each). Again, these are important topics but have nothing to do with our salvation. 

Christ alone and His glorious sacrifice is sufficient to save us.

We have a wonderful Savior who has provided the amazing gift of salvation. For those who already have believed to salvation, He then graciously causes us to grow. Don't make it hard for others! It is God who causes young believers to stand, not us (Romans 14:4). 

Join us again next week as we continue to explore what one must do be saved and assured of salvation. We will continue the amazing findings of Teleios research and the advantages of the scripture.

William C. Stewart, MD

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Disclaimer - This blog and its content are provided only as information and are intended for visitors 18 and older. No content on the website should be taken as advice or recommendation to any personal or institutional situation. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Teleios. Both the blog and the contents are subject to change at any time without notice. Although I endeavor to ensure that the blog and the content are current and accurate, it may contain errors. I do not represent that the blog or the content is current, accurate or complete, or appropriate for your specific requirements. I do not accept any liability from any person for the blog, the content or any other information (or the use of such information) I provide. I do not have a seminary degree, but I have trained myself in the scriptures to teach and provide this information. For any specific question, I suggest you contact experts in that field and or do your own research into the scriptures.

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