Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Do not fear sharing the gospel!

As part of our Christian walk we have the privilege of being a part of God's plan for other people's lives, which, depending on the situation, includes sharing the gospel. 

Teleios recently evaluated 370 midlife evangelicals in a well-taught Bible-believing church in the Midwest about their attitudes in telling others the plan of salvation. We found that there was widespread hesitancy to share the gospel mostly because of social fear, not knowing what to say, nor answer objections. These church members opted for other perceived avenues to share the gospel such as lifestyle and invitations to church as opposed to explicitly stating the plan of salvation. More results from this study can be seen at 

Teleios also evaluated the same type of questions in young Christians. There were 457 total participants of whom about 2/3 each < 18 years of age, protestant and evangelical. 

The results showed that young Christians recognize the need to share their faith with most doing so about once a year or once a month (62%) although some never tell others (17%). They indicated on average less fear in sharing the gospel (80%) or any aspect of their faith (53%) than their elders in the prior survey. However, they also seemed to have high levels of guilt for not sharing the gospel (96%) and thought they should tell others more (98%). 

Like their older counterparts those who feared sharing the gospel generally did so because of social awkwardness, as well as not knowing what to say, how to answer questions and the contents of the Gospel itself. In fact, verbally expressing the gospel to others was their fifth favorite way to share the plan of salvation (7%) whereas lifestyle, encouragement, praying and loving others were the preferred choices. 

Importantly, almost all our participants (>90%) indicated the Bible is inerrant and true. More results from this study can be seen at  

The results of the survey are encouraging because it demonstrates there exists a young population of ardent evangelicals believe that the Bible is true and that the gospel should be shared. 

However, like their elders, young Christians have inhibitions in expressing the gospel and do not know its contents. The survey participants may be unfamiliar that scripture says for people to believe they explicitly must hear the gospel message (Romans 10:14-17). Otherwise, people are unable to interpret our love and lifestyle as knowing how to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. It takes a succinct verbal expression of the gospel for people to understand and believe (please see bottom of the page). 

To the participants point, however, our lives must be framed in godliness (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12) to be an effective witness for Christ. But that life would be wasted if we cannot teach others how to become Christians. 

For example, if your teacher stood before class and said nothing while living a good quiet life and then handed out a test, and you failed because you didn't know the information, you might be furious because she failed to teach you. Same with the gospel, our lifestyle just doesn't teach what God intended and we need to say it.

Another vital point from the survey, believers saved by grace through Christ should not feel guilt. Those forgiven have no reason for guilt and there is no injunction in the Bible to suffer with it.

At the Teleios Foundation we believe the Bible is true instruction to salvation and healthy lives. What we offer to society is correct and true. In contrast, what the world offers through globalism, humanism, communism, identity and statist politics cannot match the glory and the benefits from of our blessed Savior. We should not recoil from the world but realize what we have is good for our family, friends and society. 

Thanks for visiting my blog. Next week and we will discuss ways to share the gospel and avoid those awkward fearful emotions. Please join us then!

Be convinced and rely on these four simple truths!
1. Man sinned.
2. God is just, requiring a punishment for sin.
3. But out of love God sent His Son, Jesus Christ who by dying on the cross, provided forgiveness of sins in taking man’s deserved punishment.
4.Therefore, by faith alone in Christ’s sacrifice for our sins and belief in His resurrection, man can gain eternal life.

For questions or to view more of our research…

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