Living the Christian Life: God’s Commands & Results
Welcome back to my blog. I am so happy you are visiting. Today we continue a fascinating discussion on the Christian life. We have discussed in the past several blogs its foundation, the goals, and the tools of the Christian walk. Today we explore the Christian life and its fruitful results.
God’s Commands - Borders for the Christian Life
God’s admonishments for the Christian life exist to fulfill two general purposes from our holy Father:
· Maintain an orderly society and individual life – These are reflected in commands such as “do not murder” or “do not steal” and are often repeated from the Old to the New Testament. God’s commands about order are interspersed throughout the epistles. In general, His commands are few and protective to us and society, leaving us a broad path in life in which He wants us to live by faith to serve Him.
Note: Old Testament and gospel commands – These commands reflect God’s holiness. Nonetheless, they are dictates for another time when God administered His people differently. We obey commands within the epistles because these are for the church.
o For example, God’s command to sacrifice animals in the Old Testament law (Exodus 21:28) reflected His righteous character and teaches about His bringing in the future Messiah to forgive man’s sin. However, Christians are not commanded to sacrifice animals!
o The Old Testament Law was to teach Israel not only about God and Messiah, but also to keep order in their society. In the church times we are administrated through the epistles and the church as well as we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
· To live a wise and godly life – Like the order commands, these also are interspersed throughout the epistles and provide wisdom about how to lead our Christian lives. Interestingly, much research published in the medical literature has shown that when specific biblical dictates are followed, they may increase wellbeing, such as hope, forgiveness, thankfulness, and joy.
o God made us and He knows our psychological profile and what is healthy for us. Further, Teleios research has shown that Christians who study the Bible and practice what it says on average have better wellbeing.
· God’s commands are not burdensome – in contrast, in the letters from the apostles meant for the church there are relatively few commands regarding our lives that outline a broad playing field on which we live a life of faith. We can live a life of freedom in how we serve God and use things on the earth according to a prayer and the Bible.
Results of God’s Word in our Lives
What are the results in the Christian’s life of practicing the 5 tools maturity using the precepts above? These results are discussed in the Bible and are profound. Although mentioned throughout the New Testament epistles, below are some key passages which discuss the results of the Christian life in a mature believer.
- Fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23; Ephesians 5:9)
- Evidence of a mature believer (Hebrews 5:11-14)
- Qualities of an elder and deacon (1 Timothy 3:1-15)
- Evidence of our fellowship with God - This chapter provides general evidences of a person's belief including proper doctrine of Christ, obedience and love (1 John 2-4)
- Characteristics of a useful believer to God (2 Peter 1:3-8)
- Paul's prayers for godly characteristics (Ephesians 1:15ff; 3:14ff; Colossians 1:9-15)
God is so wise in the way He causes us to grow, securing our salvation, and giving us tools by which to grow, based in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are tremendously blessed to have such a loving and devoted God.
Thank you for joining me today. You can read more on this topic at
Please come again next time as we continue our discussion on living a fruitful Christian life, specifically on tithing!
William C. Stewart, MD
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